Make Your Own Seed-Saving Packets

Seed-Saving packets are a great way to learn sustainability firsthand. You can collect and save the seeds from all those vegetables you grew!

Better yet, how about making your very own custom seed packets? C’mon, it’s easy!

seed-saving packet craft

Select a Template:

Choose from one of the following templates, use the instructions as your sample guide and then cut, fold and seal with your school glue stick. That’s it — ta-da! You have made your very own seed packet.

Seed Saving Packet Instructions

Seed Saving Packet Template

Seed Saving Packet Template for Teachers (makes a GREAT teacher gift!)

And they’re all so easy…

see-saving packets for fundraiser

Even a kid can do it! Instructions are color-coded, and simple to follow. Have fun and take pride in knowing you are on your way to sustainable living.

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